No, Not Trump, Not Ever

So, David Brooks is on about Trump again. This time he’s admitting to errors in his past approaches to Trumpism, which is all to the good. The issues that have gotten under the skin of Trump supporters are all too real; but it has been all too easy to dismiss these concerns while focussing on the train wreck that is Donald Trump. The hope lies not in Trump but in Hillary Clinton assimilating much of the Bernie Sanders critique and following through after the election. Even so, HRC would probably govern as her husband did: as what would be considered historically a moderate Republican. Despite what the right-wing fever swamp would have you believe, we have lived in a supply-side, tax-cutting Republican world for decades now, and I don’t see that changing any time soon.

FA Cup vs NCAA Tournament

Yesterday’s incredible day of upsets in the NCAA Basketball Tournament reminds me of the FA Cup in English football, where it’s always possible that a Watford can take out a defending champion (Arsenal) in the quarterfinals. This year we have Crystal Palace, tanking in the Premier League yet in the FA Cup semis. Middle Tennessee State, anyone?